Lecturer Dance History
Dr. Angela Deutsch was born in 1964 in Frankfurt am Main. From 1984 to 1995 she studied Psychology, Art History, German and Egyptology in Basel, Fribourg, Salzburg and Vienna. She received her academic degree Mag. Phil. (with honors) in psychology, diploma psychologist. From 1992-1994 she completed her training as a museum and exhibition curator in art business, graduating with a diploma. In 2008 she received her academic degree, magna cum laude (doctor philosophy) in art history.

Since 2014 Angela is active as a Dance lecturer, curator and jury member at Tanzscout Berlin, “Dance with Camera” at the Short Waves Festival in Poznan, Poland and the Hungarian dance Festival at Dock 11, Berlin. Recently she started to write dance reviews. Angela’s Curatorial and exhibition management include projects for DOWN WITH ART! e.V. in Potsdam, “As for us, office for exhibitions” and various projects in the “Kunsthalle Wien”.
Angela teaches dance history at the Volkshochschule Mitte in Berlin. She is a lecturer in Dance History at BDI.
Angela teaches dance history at the Volkshochschule Mitte in Berlin. She is a lecturer in Dance History at BDI.