
WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

What are micronutrients? Vitamins and minerals Vitamins are an absolute necessity for vitality, strength  and performance. The human body only requires very small amounts of each vitamin, however many chemical activities that normally occur in the body cannot take place unless the correct vitamin is present. Some vitamins are attached to enzymes that only do their job if the vitamin … Read More


WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

Are we drinking enough fluids during the day to ensure that our bodies work efficiently and effectively?  Zerlina Mastin (Mastin, 2009) believes that water is the 4th macronutrient.  It makes up 70 per cent of the brain, 90 per cent of the lungs and 82 per cent of the blood. When one considers that our bodies are primarily made up … Read More


WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

Let’s talk about protein and why this is an essential element in everyone’s diet, particularly dancers and athletes. Protein is a vital component of every cell in the body. The building and repairing of tissue is done with protein, as is the making of hormones and enzymes.  It is an essential element for the building and maintenance of  bones, muscles, … Read More

Healthy Fats – to eat or not to eat

WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

This week I am going to talk about healthy fats – to eat or not to eat,  and why we need to include fats in our diet. There is an abundance of information on fat out there, unfortunately it is often conflicting. So this article will attempt to sort out the facts that are relevent to dance, fitness and nutrition. … Read More

Carbohydrate Two

WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

Finally, here it is Carbohydrate Two. One of the main issues that plaque dancers is what to eat and when. So this next article will focus on carbohydrates and how to refuel the body at the correct time in order to maintain maximum performance. Carbohydrates two – what to eat and when So here we go with carbohydrates two – … Read More


WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

Well here I am again and the topic this week is the macronutritate carbohydrate.  Do you know how important carborhydrates are for dancers and athletes? It is not just a major source of energy, but as a nutrient it plays a vital role. According to Zerlina Mastin (Mastin, 2009) carborhydrates are responsible for the following: helps to burn fat when … Read More


WendyBDI News, Dance Fitness Nutrition, Homepage

Hi again, I am back, with macronutrients on my mind. I know, a little later than I anticipated, but life and work can sometimes get in the way of well thought out plans. Today I am going to be talking about the macronutrients, starting with a little introduction about what macronutrients consist of. Over the next few weeks I will … Read More